Much Less Than Six…

In an incredible feat of organisation, a group known as ‘Less than six’ (David, Robert, Kim and Bob) have already drawn up a comprehensive plan for their Sick Kids Save Point marathon.  Impressively this group of brave adventurers will be Rocking out with Rock Band, high-speed waggling with Super Smash Bros on the Wii and playing some table top rpgs such as Dungeons and Dragons.  But perhaps the most impressive feat of all in their plan is a game known mysteriously as ‘1000 Blank White cards’ – could this be the hardest marathon challenge yet?  Surely nothing could be more sleep inducing than a card game involving no stimulation whatsoever!

In all seriousness though, these folks deserve all the support we can give them, especially because they’ve an integrated forfeit scheme which will inevitably result in them donating a lot out of their own pockets on top of the sleep deprivation.  Check out their Just Giving pages here, and go follow them on twitter