Oxygen Addict games

Richard Adams underwent an early Sick Kids Save Point marathon, but his was a games development marathon, using Gamemaker by Yoyo games. Now you can download and play the fruits of his labour in your own gaming marathon! One of the games is called SKSP Hospital quest, featuring our own wee sprite character!

Thanks Richard, you’re a Sick Kids Save Point hero.  Go download his games.

Holy Countdown Batfolks

With 2 weeks to go, things are gathering apace for a crazy weekend of games. We’ve been putting posters up around Edinburgh, including at the Sick Kids.

In the meantime this weekend sees pacesetter Richard Adams embarking on his ‘dev marathon’ in which he’ll be making as many games as he can in 24 hours. We’ve sponsored him suggesting a game using our wee sprite logo as a character. Why not sponsor him to make a suggestion? At least show him some support.

The rest of us are hard in training getting into shape for our 24 hour video games marathon in aid of the Sick Kids Friends Foundation on the weekend of 12th -14th October 2012. If you think playing games and saving kids sounds like something you could do, it’s not too late to sign up. Just read our Safety guidelines and create a Just Giving Page
What are you playing this weekend? tweet us with the #sksptraining hashtag, or come chat to us on Facebook.